Game of Thrones Season 8 Predictions: Dead or Alive

There are only hours before the first episode of Season 8. Here is the list of characters that we love and my speculations whether they will survive or not:


Tyrion Lannister (ALIVE) – I’m predicting he is going to survive, higher chances compared to his Targaryen counterparts aka Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen. In the books, a red priest prophecied that Tyrion, a small man will cast a big shadow, snarling in the midst of all (dragons or Targaryens).

Missandei (ALIVE) – As this is unpredictable, what if Missandei was meant to be alive as people expect her not to be?

Grey Worm (DEAD) – I think he will also die fighting either for Daenerys or for the living.


Jon Snow (DEAD) – Many fans believe that Jon Snow will be the one who will inherit the Iron Throne, as he was a nearer successor to the Iron Throne than Daenerys Targaryen. However, the prophecy to Cersei made it clear that a younger woman will be the one who will sack her from the Iron Throne. Jon Snow also served his purpose for defeating the Night King, so the writer might let him die since he has nowhere else to go. GRRM has many surprises, and the way he writes his stories are always the least you expect. In that case, I don’t see Jon as being alive until the end.

Tormund Giantsbane (DEAD) – He will probably die in Winterfell.

Ser Davos (DEAD) – He will probably among the first to die in Winterfell.

Sam (ALIVE) and Gilly (ALIVE) – I hope he finally be a Maester or live well with Gilly.


Daenerys Targaryen (DEAD) – Game of Thrones is a book of prophecies. The maegi Mirri Maz Duur told Dany that when she became pregnant again, Khal Drogo will return. However, we know that Drogo will never come back. It might mean that Daenerys will die. In the house of undying, she wasn’t able to sit on the Iron Throne as well. We also know how Cersei sabotaged Margaery, she might also do it with Dany as Cersei might think that Dany will be the one that will replace her.

Jorah Mormont (DEAD) – He’ll probably sacrifice himself for Khaleesi so I don’t see him surviving.

Melisandre and Varys (DEAD) – Melisandre stated that she and Varys will die in Westeros.


Arya Stark (ALIVE) – Arya Stark will probably return as a Faceless Assassin. She would realize that she doesn’t belong in Westeros anymore.

Gendry (ALIVE) – He is back and I think he will play a major role if the other main characters are dead in the end.

The Hound (ALIVE) – I can see The Hound triumphant in the end with the Cleganebowl fight.

The Mountain (DEAD) – Finally.


Sansa Stark (ALIVE) – I have high hopes that Sansa will survive. She earned the trust of the Knights of the Vale and the Northerners. She is the likely ruler to rebuild what’s left after the war.

Lyanna Mormont (DEAD) – She is a fan favorite, and you know what GRRM will do.

Robin Arryn (DEAD) – As I see Sansa as a ruler, Robin Arryn will probably die one way or another.


Bran Stark (UNDEAD) – I think that Bran was able to cause a lot of trouble when he time travels more. As stated, staying in the past for too long is dangerous. He will probably get killed while warging, visiting the past. He will probably become among the undead, instead of helping Jon which may cause a lot of trouble. I would probably want that Bran would just create a loop if he died from the time that he first wake up after falling.

Meera Reed (DEAD) – I think she will probably die fighting in Winterfell if ever she comes back.

Beric Dondarrion (DEAD) – In the books, Beric is already dead giving his life for Catelyn Stark’s resurrection. Because of this, he will most likely be dead after all at the end of the show.


Jaime Lannister (DEAD) – I believe either him or Arya in some way will kill Cersei. In the books, Jaime said that if Cersei dies, he will have to die too. It might be a foreshadowing that he will die as well.

Bronn (ALIVE) – I would really hope that Bronn makes it until the end, and gets his castle.

Brienne (DEAD) and Podrick (DEAD) – Brienne and Podrick probably will die saving Sansa to fulfill her duties from Catelyn Stark.


Cersei Lannister (DEAD) – It was predicted by Maggy, a fortune teller, that she will be killed by a Valonqar, Valyrian term for little brother. Hands, Tears drowning you. Jaime already lost one of his hands, so it might mean that he is not the one that will kill Cersei. Tears of Lys is s ba type of poison, so I guess the “tears drowning you” stated by the fortune teller, might mean that Cersei will die from poison.

Euron Greyjoy (DEAD) – He will probably die but not that easily.

Theon Greyjoy (DEAD) – He’ll probably sacrifice himself for Yara.

Yara Greyjoy (ALIVE) – Yara will probably be triumphant in her battle with Euron Greyjoy. I hope she is still alive.


Other than these predictions, here is a summary of how I think this will gonna end agreeing to other fan theories out there.
1. No one will sit on the Iron Throne.
2. Bran will be the next undead to beat.
3. Sansa and Tyrion will be the future rulers.
4. King’s Landing will be a mess because of wildfire.